20th-21st March 2023, Poznań

10th International Family Business Congress Family Foundation - between hope and reality

ORGANISED BY: Family Business Institute Poland

panel discussions
creative workshops

X International Congress of Family Businesses

„Family foundation – between hope and reality”

March 20-21, 2023

For the tenth time, Polish business families met in Poznan at the International Congress of Family Businesses. The theme of the meeting, organized by the Family Business Institute and held on March 20-21, 2023, was „Family Foundation – between hope and reality.” The agenda and all panels were centered around a new legislative solution – the Family Foundation Act, which will be available to family businesses after May 22, 2023.

During the Congress, a publication was premiered „Family Foundation for Multigenerational Business Families„. The book is the result of cooperation between the Institute’s experts Adrianna Lewandowska Ph.D. and Prof. Jacek Lipiec with a team of lawyers Michał Gniatkowski and Piotr Andrzejczak and Joanna Wierzejska.

A special guest at the Congress was Prince Michael von Liechtenstein, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Industrie- und Finanzkontor Etablissement, a leading trust company with tradition and experience in long-term and multi-generational protection of assets, family values, and businesses. He spoke at a panel discussion dedicated to family foundations. Together with him, his knowledge and experience were also shared: Przemysław Mitraszewski, representing LPP S.A., and Berthold Theuffel-Werhahn – PwC Germany

Special guest at of the Congress was also Johannes Kärcher – Chairman of the Kärcher Supervisory Board and son of the founder of the international family company, Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG. His lecture „Spirituality and the family enterprise – some aspects of leadership and responsibility” was a real philosophical journey of a man, an entrepreneur, a successor and a leader.

Speakers and panelists include:

  • Adrianna Lewandowska Ph.D., President of the Family Business Institute
  • Roman Wieczorek, expert of the Family Business Institute
  • Wypychewicz family: Bogusław Wypychewicz, President of the Supervisory Board of ZPUE S.A, Małgorzata Wypychewicz, Michał Wypychewicz President of ZPUE S.A, Marta Szewczyk-Wypychewicz, President of the Board of Directors of the „We are Close” Foundation and HR Director at ZPUE S.A.
  • Joanna Wierzejska and Piotr Andrzejczak of Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm
  • Piotr Woźniakiewicz and Jacek Pawłowski of PwC
  • Henryk Orfinger, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Dr. Irena Eris S.A.
  • Erika Matwij of Inštitút Rodinného Businessu

The International Congress of Family Businesses is a platform for exchanging knowledge in many areas of family business management. As every year, the speakers included owners of the largest Polish and foreign family businesses, who shared their knowledge, experience and inspirations. Other speakers in the panel discussions included Marcin Ochnik of OCHNIK S.A., Leszek Kaszuba of Jamalex Sp. z o.o., Ewald Raben of Raben Group, Grzegorz Wróbel of Blachotrapez Sp. z o.o, Dr. Adam Mokrysz of the MOKATE Group, Filip Makowski of York PL, Dr. Monika Olszewska of Winkhaus Polska Beteiligungs, Marek Zientecki of AGOS, Roland Szymanski of LARS, Dariusz Stasik of WPIP, Tomasz Szataniak of Wielton S.A, Boguslaw Kowalski of Graal S.A., Adam Stadnik – entrepreneur, Dominik Przybecki of Interiors Group, Paulina Borowicz Hardeman of Barbara Luijckx, Tomasz Wróbel of Wróbel Group, Marcin Nowicki of CHEM-GLAS, Jan Kolanski of Colian, Krzysztof Strus of forSPa, Maria Kaczanowska of Kruszywa SKSM S.A., Dominika Jeżowska and Marcin Jeżowski of the Piekuś Group.

In addition to the individual lectures, a series of intimate workshops and panel discussions were held, assisted by experts from the Family Business Institute: Prof. PP Ewa Więcek-JankaMarta Widz Ph.D. , Katarzyna Barcińska, Wieslawa Machalica and Anna Bielak – Dworska. They discussed, among other things, the responsibility of family businesses in the context of sustainable development; the establishment of a family office; succession through the eye of the successor; the family foundation vs. the family constitution; the succession diamond as an original methodology for multidimensional succession preparation; the family business in the world of mergers and acquisitions; the map of conflict risks in the business family; foreign expansion; well – being in the family business; and the management board, family council, supervisory board in the foundation and family business; the advantages and disadvantages of the family foundation.  Numerous experts, representatives of the world of science and practitioners provided substantive support for the discussions and meetings held, including: Prof. ucz. dr. hab. Michał Kaczmarczyk from the Humanitas University in Sosnowiec, Prof. dr. hab. Izabela Koładkiewicz from Kozminski University, Piotr Rybicki – from NadzorKorporacyjny. pl, Dr. Radosław Śliwka from SMART Project, Stanisław Gordziałkowski, Joanna Goryca, Katarzyna Juralewicz from the Soltysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak law firm, Jerzy Śledziewski – entrepreneur, Jakub Wieszczeczyński and Grzegorz Sprawka from the Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, Aleksandra Politańska-Kunicka, Marceli Kasperkiewicz and Marcin Czajkowski of the Dentons law firm, Witold Hruzewicz of Azimutus, Łukasz Chodkowski of Déhora, Grzegorz Wydmański, Maja Ważniewicz of Textron Aviation, Maciej Bombol of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Michał Zawisza of Long Term Management Sp. z o.o.


Read the full report on the Family Business portal.

10th International Family Business Congress

Family Foundation – between hope and reality

The International Congress of Family Businesses is an unconventional event not only because of the participants it attracts. We have departed from the conference formula known for years – lectures and lectures in their traditional sense. We offer participation in an interactive meeting: during the speeches of our guests, family entrepreneurs, as well as experts and business practitioners, we sit at discussion tables. After the lecture there is time for conversation, exchange of views, not only with the speaker, but most importantly with the other participants of the Congress! This form of the event is not only conducive to integration, but also allows for a heated discussion: think about it, when was the last time there was an opportunity to talk and discuss economic and family challenges with top entrepreneurs from Poland and abroad?

For whom?

The International Family Business Congress is intended for those who care about the development of their family businesses, in particular for:

  • Owners of family businesses
  • Successors
  • Members of business families
  • Managers working in a family business
  • Employees at a family business

If you belong to any of these groups, you will find here what you are looking for!

What we will talk about?

During the Congress you will find knowledge and inspiration in the following areas:

  • The development strategy for a family business
  • Managing a family business
  • Planning succession in a family business
  • Implementation of the succession process
  • Family governance
  • Family business constitution
  • Intergenerational communication

About family businesses in Poland:

36% of Polish companies are aware of their familiness

56% of them are planning succession

8% of children from family businesses want to take over the business

Only 30% of these companies will pass their business to the second generation!

Learn how to build long-lasting family structures at the Congress!


Micro and small
family companies

1549.00 zł/ per person

Medium-sized and large
family companies

1899.00 zł/ per person

* The prices are net prices.

The International Family Business Congress is addressed primarily to owners and successors in family and private businesses (ie where the owners are natural persons).

Online participation: We encourage everyone interested in the subject of family entrepreneurship to participate online.

On-site participation in Poznań: Due to the limited number of places and the desire to ensure optimal conditions for participation and the opportunity to exchange experiences in a homogeneous group of participants, persons representing (broadly understood) consulting companies, law and tax offices, banks, family office, investment funds, HR agencies and marketing etc., as well as public sector institutions may participate in the Congress only as Partners.


Day 1

9:30 – 10:00


10.00 – 10:10

Official 10th International Family Business Congress Opening

10:10 – 10:40

Succession of the Jagiellons vs succession of entrepreneurs

10:40 – 11:25

Succession a challenge for the company and the family – best practice family business

11:25 – 11:45

Ceremonial recognition of the most socially sensitive family businesses


11:45 – 12:05

Coffee break


12:05 – 12:10

Family foundation – book launch


12:10 – 12:25

Let’s talk about… – discussion forum


12:25 – 12:40

New tax and legal challenges to family businesses in 2023 / opportunities and threats to the development of family businesses

12:40 – 12:55

The role of the family foundation. Facts and myths

12:55 – 13:10

Expert commentary


13:10 – 13:30

Let’s talk about… – discussion forum


13:30 – 14:30



14:30 – 15:10

Panel Session I


Discussion Panel A(1)

14:30 – 15:10

Family foundation – expectations vs. reality. Opportunities and threats


  • What determines the interest of entrepreneurs in family foundations and how do foundations affect family business development? Experiences from abroad
  • Can a private foundation be considered a universal solution in all succession processes?
  • How to prepare for the establishment of a foundation in order to achieve the desired goal?

Moderator: Katarzyna Karpiuk – PwC Polska

  • Michael von Liechtenstein – Industrie- & Finanzkontor and Founder&Chairman of Geopolitical Intelligence Services
  • Berthold Theuffel-Werhahn -PwC Germany
  • Przemysław Mitraszewski – Founder and CEO of Lighthouse, proxy for the board of directors of LPP S.A.

Discussion Panel B(1)

14:30 – 15:10

Do we actually remember that continuous development is not „something by the way” , but the very essence of a modern company?


  • Awareness of the need for development among owners and managers
  • Actionability vs. systemicity in improving competence
  • From subject matter expert to expert in leading and motivating colleagues

Moderator: Roman Wieczorek – Family Business Institute

  • Ewald Raben – Raben Group
  • dr Adam Mokrysz – MOKATE Group
  • Grzegorz Wróbel – Blachotrapez Sp. z o.o.
  • Filip Makowski – YORK
  • Monika Olszewska – Winkhaus Polska Beteiligungs
  • Prof. ucz. dr hab. Michał Kaczmarczyk – Higher School of Humanitas in Sosnowiec

Discussion Panel C(1)

14:30 – 15:10

How can family businesses take advantage of the current economic situation to grow?


  • Efficiency first: how to get ahead of corporations?
  • Flexibility, decision-making and speed – key factors for success or survival
  • It’s a shame to waste such a beautiful crisis, or whether black swans raise innovation

Moderator: dr Radosław Śliwka – SMART Project

  • Ryszard Wtorkowski – LUG S.A.
  • Przemek Gostkiewicz – Bakoma Sp. z o.o.
  • Maciej Bombol – GPW

Discussion Panel D(1)

14:30 – 15:10

Freedom in space – can you… buy time?

See more


  • How to take advantage of opportunities from chartering a private plane
  • Private flights step by step.
  • My and my family’s safety = the safety of our business.
  • A plane just for us? Private flights and the environment

Moderator: Grzegorz Wydmański – Textron Aviation

  • Roland Szymański – LARS
  • Bogusław Wypychewicz – ZPUE
  • Maja Ważniewicz – Textron Aviation


15:10 – 15:20

Coffee break


15:20 – 16:00

Panel Session II


Discussion Panel A(2)

15:20 – 16:00

Advantages and disadvantages of the Family Foundation – how to take advantage of the new regulations in practice 


  • Why should you consider starting a family foundation?
  • What key questions should you ask yourself before deciding to establish a foundation?
  • Can a family foundation serve as an element of tax planning?


  • Jakub Wieszczeczyński – Kancelaria Domański Zakrzewski Palinka
  • Grzegorz Sprawka – Kancelaria Domański Zakrzewski Palinka

Discussion Panel B(2)

15:20 – 16:00

Management, Family Council, Supervisory Board in a foundation and family business – towards professionalization


  • Family Council, Supervisory Board, Board of Directors – how to divide powers in a foundation and family business
  • What should a professional supervisory board be like? What should a professional board of directors be like?
  • Control and supervision, or perhaps advice and support? What should a professional supervisory board be like?

Moderator: Michał Gniatkowski – Family Business Institute

  • Piotr Rybicki – Financial management practitioner
  • prof. dr hab. Izabela Koładkiewicz – Profesor Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego
  • Bogusław Kowalski – Graal S.A.

Discussion Panel C(2)

15:20 – 16:00

Foreign expansion: Build from scratch or acquire?


  • How do we choose the market we want to expand into?
  • What determines the optimal scale of an acquisition?
  • How to choose an acquisition target?
  • What mistakes to avoid?

Moderator: Witold Hruzewicz – Azimutus

  • dr Adam Mokrysz – Mokate Group
  • Michał Wypychewicz – ZPUE
  • Jakub Kostrzewski – Fabryka Ceramiki Budowlanej
  • Joanna Klimas-Leśniak – Klimas Wkręt-met

Discussion Panel D(2)

15:20 – 16:00

A good employer, or what kind of employer? Well – being in a family business


  • Do a friendly office and well-chosen benefits build competitive advantages for family businesses?
  • How does generational ownership change affect the organizational culture of family businesses?
  • Are family businesses ready to implement a shortened work week?
  • How does employer branding help build the reputation of family businesses?
  • How do awards and certifications affect a positive employer image?

Moderator: Piotr Szulc – Codziennypoznan.pl

  • Dariusz Stasik – WPIP
  • Łukasz Chodkowski – Dehora
  • Marcin Ochnik – Ochnik S.A.

16:00 – 17:00

One to one – meet the Expert


20:00 – 00:00

The Banquet


Day 2

8:30 – 9:00

Morning coffee and succession consultation with IBR experts


9:00 – 10:00

Family foundation – between hope and reality

  • Does a family foundation equate to succession?
  • How a family foundation safeguards family harmony and business development
  • Owner responsibility in the long term key to understanding the succession challenge


10.00 – 10:35

Spirituality and the Family Enterprise –  some aspects of Leadership and Responsibility

  • To control or to give freedom?
  • Trust, reciprocity, altruism, salesmanship, gratitude
  • Leadership: to own or to serve?
  • Responsibility and respect


10:35 – 10:50

Expert commentary


10:50 – 11:10

Let’s talk about… – discussion forum


11:10 – 11:30

Coffee Break


11:30 – 12:10

Panel Session I


Discussion Panel A(1)

11:30 – 12:10

The Succession Diamond Model, a proprietary methodology for multidimensional preparation of success in Succession


  • Is the division of assets – the management of Ownership the only dimension of the succession process?
  • What role does the transfer of Knowledge to the next generation and within the organization play?
  • How and when should Power be distributed in a Family Business?
  • What is the glue, the specific DNA of the Business Family and the Family Company?
  • Why can an intergenerational Vision help relay generations?

Moderator: Szymon Trzebiatowski – Family Business Institute

  • Adrianna Lewandowska – Family Business Institute
  • Dominika Jeżowska – Grupa Piekuś
  • Marcin Jeżowski – Grupa Piekuś
  • Dominik Przybecki – Interiors Group Sp. z o. o.

Panel and workshop session B(1)

11:30 – 12:10

Is a family foundation for me? That is, when is it worthwhile (or not) and in what structures to consider using a family foundation, and how to do it


  • Contributing assets to a family foundation
  • Family foundation as a vehicle (holding, financial, real estate, etc.)
  • Tax risks and possible forms of security in a structure using a family foundation
  • Available alternatives to a family foundation, taking into account domestic and foreign beneficiaries


  • Joanna Goryca – Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlęzak
  • Katarzyna Juralewicz – Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlęzak
  • Stanislaw Gordziałkowski – Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlęzak

Discussion Panel C(1)

11:30 – 12:10

From transaction to foundation: the family business in the world of mergers and acquisitions


  • Transactions involving family businesses – business objectives and investment strategies
  • A few sentences about the importance of brand protection with the transaction in mind
  • Strategies for securing and multiplying family business assets – effective transaction structuring and key tax issuesModerators:
  • Marceli Kasperkiewicz – Dentons,
  • Aleksandra Politańska-Kunicka – Dentons,
  • Cezary Przygodzki – Dentons


  • Tomasz Szataniak – Wielton S.A.

Discussion Panel D(1)

11:30 – 12:10

Map of conflict risks in the business family. How to develop it? How to use it?


  • Generational change – the lens of all unresolved conflicts
  • Without a good diagnosis, you run the risk of (too) high emotions and business gridlock
  • Between submission and dictatorship, or the art of proper compromise

Moderator: Ewa Więcek-Janka – Family Business Institute

  • Leszek Kaszuba – Jamalex
  • Jan Kolański – Colian
  • Marcin Nowicki – CHEM-GLAS

12:10 – 12:20

Reorganisation break


12:20 – 13:00

Panel Session II


Discussion Panel A(2)

12:20 – 13:00

Responsibility of family businesses in the context of sustainable development.


  • What kind of world do we want to leave to our children and grandchildren?
  • How can we integrate dreams of a dignified future into the context of today’s business and ownership strategies?
  • What can we, as family businesses, do for ourselves and the broader business and social environment to make the sustainability discussion more realistic and intense?
  • How can family businesses influence the emergence of a „New World”?

Moderator: Anna Bielak-Dworska – Family Business Institute

  • Tomasz Wróbel – Grupa Wróbel
  • Jerzy Śledziewski – Entrepreneur in the green energy industry
  • Ewa Więcek-Janka – Family Business Institute
  • Henryk Orfinger – Dr Irena Eris
  • Dorota Sieroń – DB Energy SA

Discussion Panel B(2)

12:20 – 13:00

Family office – genesis and future


  • Demand for family office services – where does it come from?
  • What do we understand by family office services today?
  • What are the expectations and thus challenges of the family office market?

Moderator: Maciej Stradomski – CMT Advisory

  • Marcin Ochnik – Ochnik S.A.
  • Dr. Marta Widz – Family Business Institute
  • Michał Zawisza – LTM Family Office

Discussion Panel C(2)

12:20 – 13:00

Family foundation or family constitution?


  • Family foundation – a new solution for safeguarding assets
  • Family constitution – mechanisms of order, regulating the relationship of family and business
  • Importance of the constitution in the arrangement of foundation solutions

Moderator: prof. Jacek Lipiec -Family Business Institute

  • Adam Stadnik – Service Company Adam Stadnik
  • Krzysztof Strus – dlaSpa
  • Karolina Szyszkowska – ASPI
  • Piotr Szyszkowski – ASPI

Discussion Panel D(2)

12:20 – 13:00

Through the eyes of a successor – succession is not just a process


  • Succession – time for growth
  • How to plan the career path of a future CEO?
  • Education not only in theory and in your company

Moderator: Katarzyna Barcińska – Family Business Institute

  • Marek Zientecki – AGOS
  • Maria Kaczanowska – SKSM Aggregates
  • Paulina Borowicz-Hardeman – Barbara Luijckx

13:00 – 13:15

Reorganisation break


13:15 – 13:35

Multigenerational wars – is the foundation a remedy for family conflicts?

  • How to build good relationships in a multigenerational family?
  • Family foundation vs. communication in the business family
  • Harmony in the family the key to professionalization of business


13:35 – 13:55

Development vs. sense of purpose


13:55 -14:00

Congress Summary



LUNCH / Shaking hands



dr Adrianna Lewandowska
Family Business Institute

The visionary of Polish family business entrepreneurship, strategist, advisor, architect of the success of many Polish family firms. Advisor and Managing Partner at Lewandowska and Partners.

Zobacz więcej
Szymon Trzebiatowski

Szymon Trzebiatowski
Head of Experts at the Family Business Institute

A financier by education, many years of controlling and manager practice. For almost 25 years associated with the largest private employer in Poznań and Greater Poland, the company Volkswagen Poznań sp. Z oo, including 8 years as a member of the management board for finance, organization and IT (over 10,000 employees, PLN 12 billion in investment from 1993, PLN 18 billion of turnover per year).

Zobacz więcej

dr hab. Maciej Stradomski
CMT Advisory

Holder of post-doctoral degree in Finance. Professor at the University of Economics and Business in Poznań, head of the Department of Investment and Capital Markets. Chairperson of the Policy Council of the Family Businesses Institute. Director of CMT Advisory. Author and reviewer of numerous scholarly and press articles.

Zobacz więcej

Roman Wieczorek
Family Business Institute

Roman Wieczorek is lawyer, legal advisor, graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Former CEO of the global Skanska Group with headquarters in Stockholm (2010-2016) and former CEO of Skanska in Poland (2005-2009) and former CEO of Skanska Czech Republic and Slovakia (2015-2016).

Zobacz więcej

Joanna Wierzejska
Domański Zakrzewski Palinka

Tax advisor with extensive experience in providing comprehensive tax services to clients in various sectors, in matters related to reorganizations, mergers, acquisitions, selection of an effective business structure and implementation of investments…

Zobacz więcej

Marcin Ochnik
Chairman of the Board of OCHNIK S.A.

Graduate of the University of Management and Law in Warsaw. Since childhood, he has been involved in the family business, and since 2003 has served as President of…

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Leszek Kaszuba
Chairman of the Board of Jamalex Sp. z o.o.

He has been associated with the Leszno Chamber for more than 25 years, and has served as Vice President for 13 years. He is one of the initiators and founders of the economic self-government (Leszno Chamber of Commerce). An active economic and social activist. Councilman of the City of Leszno in 1990-1994…

Zobacz więcej

Ewald Raben
Chairman of the Board of Raben Group

Man of the Year at the Rzeczpospolita TSL Awards 2022, Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 in Poland and winner of the LEO 2018 Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Germany from Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung. He was born in Winterswijk, the Netherlands. He studied at the University of Transport and Logistics in Rotterdam. In 1991, he founded the Polish branch of the family-owned company. At the time, the company employed just 12 people and had a turnover of €5 million.

Zobacz więcej

Piotr Woźniakiewicz
Partner, Praktyka Polskich Firm Prywatnych, PwC Polska

Piotr is a Partner in the tax department of PwC. He has worked at PwC since 2004. He is a graduate of law at the Jagiellonian University and a licensed tax advisor since 2007. For many years, Piotr has advised owners of family businesses on crucial issues concerning their companies and their personal situation, as well as their ventures…

Zobacz więcej

Katarzyna Karpiuk
Counsel, Radca prawny, Praktyka Polskich Firm prywatnych, PwC

Katarzyna provides legal advice to Polish private companies, with particular emphasis on issues related to succession planning and the implementation of safe transfer of business to the next generation, both using Polish and foreign legal instruments (including private foundations)…

Zobacz więcej

Jacek Pawłowski
Partner, Radca prawny, Praktyka Polskich Firm Prywatnych, PwC

Jacek Pawłowski has advised family businesses for 20 years. He is a legal advisor and Partner at PwC Legal. He has been with PwC since 2009. Previously, he worked with the largest law firms in Poland (Poznań and Warsaw)…

Zobacz więcej

Michael von Liechtenstein
Executive Chairman of Industrie- & Finanzkontor and Founder&Chairman of Geopolitical Intelligence Services

Prince Michael of Liechtenstein is Executive Chairman of Industrie- und Finanzkontor Etablissement, a leading trust company with a tradition and expertise in the long-term and multi-generational preservation of wealth, family values and businesses…

Zobacz więcej

Grzegorz Wróbel
Blachotrapez Sp. z o.o.

Interim manager, trainer, management consultant. Practitioner with more than 20 years of experience in the areas of management, sales management and company reorganisation. A forest engineer by education, a graduate of the postgraduate Entrepreneurship and Management School at the Cracow University of Economics („Management of small and medium-sized enterprises”) and the „Heuresis School for Trainers and Coaches”.

Zobacz więcej

dr Adam Mokrysz

Successor and leader of the family business of the MOKATE Group. He gained knowledge, skills by working from scratch in the areas of marketing, purchasing and sales. Thanks to his 20-year commitment to B2B and B2C product development (retail, brand and international), as well as his work on increasing exports by reaching markets in more than 70 countries, today the MOKATE Group is one of the leading Polish export producers, and exports now account for 70% of its revenues…

Zobacz więcej

Piotr Rybicki
Financial management practitioner

He has been involved in the capital market for more than 20 years. Active member of supervisory boards and audit committees in family-owned and private companies, listed on the stock exchange or with State Treasury and municipal companies. Financial management practitioner. Certified auditor. Member of business associations and organisations, e.g. a long-standing vice-president of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice, Member of the Chapter of the Financial Director of the Year Award…

Zobacz więcej

Prof. Łukasz Sułkowski
Professor of Economics and Professor of Humanities specialising

Prof. Łukasz Sułkowski is Professor of Economics and Professor of Humanities specialising in the field of management in higher education. Pro-rector for Research and Personnel Development at the WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza.

Zobacz więcej

Filip Makowski
Managing Director of York PL company

Graduate in Foreign Trade at the Faculty of Management of the Poznań University of Economics and Executive MBA programme at Aalto University Helsinki. For more than 20 years he has been associated with the family company York PL, a Polish manufacturer of cleaning products. He started his career in the export department. He then progressed to the position of Commercial Director. For the last 11 years, he has been managing YORK PL together with subordinate foreign companies.

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prof. dr hab. Izabela Koładkiewicz
Profesor Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego

Prof. ALK Dr. Izabela Koladkiewicz, Head of the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Ethics in Business at Kozminski University. Expert in the field of family businesses and corporate governance. Author of more than 90 scientific publications. She has received numerous awards for her scientific achievements, including an award in the 11th Competition for scientific works of the Committee on Organisation and Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences for her habilitation monograph entitled: Supervisory boards.

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dr Monika Olszewska
Senior Sales Specialist Winkhous Polska Beteiligungs

Doctor of Economics with a specialisation in business management, graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and postgraduate studies in human resources management at the School of Banking…

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Prof. dr hab. Michał Kaczmarczyk
Rector of the Higher School of Humanitas in Sosnowiec

A graduate of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Silesia, he is the rector of the Higher School of Humanitas in Sosnowiec. At the Sosnowiec university, he works as a professor in two institutes: Institute of Management and Quality Sciences and Institute of Legal…

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Bogusław Wypychewicz

Together with his wife, Małgorzata Wypychewicz, he founded the family-owned ZPUE Company in 1988, operating in the electrical power industry. In 1996, ZPUE, became a Joint Stock Company, while in 1999, ZPUE S.A. debuted on the floor of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. For many years, Mr. Boguslaw, held management positions in the company, leading it to the position of a leader in the electrical power industry and an important player on European markets…

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Małgorzata Wypychewicz

Małgorzata Wypychewicz is a Polish entrepreneur who, since 1994, together with her husband, Bogusław Wypychewicz, has co-created the success of ZPUE S.A. She has been involved with ZPUE almost since the company’s inception. Her extensive experience includes not only working for and supporting the marketing and sales departments, but also developing the company’s development strategy.

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Marta Szewczyk-Wypychewicz

Mrs. Marta is a graduate of Jagiellonian University and Koźminski University. Since 2020, she has served as President of the Board of Directors of the „We are Close” Foundation and HR Director at ZPUE S.A…

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Michał Wypychewicz

Michał Wypychewicz

He is the son of ZPUE founder Boguslaw Wypychewicz. A graduate of Koźminski University, he also studied financial management at the Warsaw School of Management and international economic relations at the Cracow University of Economics.

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Johannes Kärcher
Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG

Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG, Chairman of the Board of Management until 2018. He graduated from the University of Munich with a degree in law. Passed the first-level state law exam at the University of Munich (LMU) in 1977, 3 years later the second-level state law exam in Stuttgart as an assessor…

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Michał Gniatkowski
Legal counsel

Legal counsel, with experience working in reputable law firms and consulting companies (Arthur Andersen), legal departments of corporations (Kompania Piwowarska, Kronospan), active in the activities of chambers of commerce and business clubs, lecturer at the Warsaw School of Economics.
Cooperates with IBR and family businesses, participant in inheritance cases and succession processes…

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Marek Zientecki
Owner of AGOS

Owner of AGOS a leader in the production of feed silos in Poland . He has completed more than 12,000 investments throughout Europe. He has introduced innovative products in the agricultural industry to the European market. Graduated from the Poznań University of Economics, studied in England and the USA…

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Jakub Wieszczeczyński
Kancelaria Domański Zakrzewski Palinka

Partner, legal counsel, specialist with over 20 years of experience in advising on commercial law. He advises in particular on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions, as well as joint ventures. He comprehensively supports clients in restructuring and reorganization issues. He has a long-standing practice in the establishment, transformation, merger, division and liquidation of companies…

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Berthold Theuffel-Werhahn
Senior manager, PwC Germany

Berthold Theuffel-Werhahn, who has been with PwC since 2002, leads the foundation advisory practice area and coordinates the PwC Foundation Network. He is a lawyer (2000), a specialist lawyer for tax law (2004) and a specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law (2007)…

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Ewa Więcek-Janka
Family Business Institute

PhD in social sciences in the field of management science and quality, master’s degree in psychology, management engineer heads the Department of Marketing and Organization Development at the Faculty of Engineering

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Radosław Śliwka
Smart Project

He is co-founder and president of SMART Project. He specializes in defining and implementing improvement programs that increase the efficiency and profitability of organizations. In his work, he focuses on combining the aspect of engaging employees in change with the use of new technologies…

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Wojciech Rokicki
Smart Project

He is co-founder and president of SMART Project. He specializes in defining and implementing improvement programs with DMAIC, 6-sigma, PMBOK and Lean methodologies, as well as managing complex projects. He holds certifications: Black Belt, CPIM and Project Management Professional…

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Stanisław Gordziałkowski
Senior counsel, attorney, tax advisor

I have been associated with SK&S law firm since 2011. I specialize in tax consulting, especially in VAT and CIT, including restructurings, M&A transactions…

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Joanna Goryca

I joined SK&S in 2021. My previous experience was in the tax team of a leading law firm…

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Katarzyna Juralewicz
Lawyer, legal advisor

I have been associated with SK&S since 2018. I specialize in tax law and corporate law. Among other things, I participate in reorganization projects of capital groups, M&A transactions…

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Jerzy Śledziewski
Senior Advisor Boston Consulting Group

Currently Senior Advisor to Boston Consulting Group, entrepreneur and co-founder and shareholder of two green energy entities…

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Przemysław Mitraszewski
Founder and CEO of Lighthouse, proxy for LPP S.A. board of directors.

Przemyslaw Mitraszewski is the founder and CEO of Lighthouse, a company with Polish capital operating within the international structure of one of the largest communications agencies in the world, Edelman. He is the plenipotentiary of the Board of Directors of LPP S.A….

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Grzegorz Sprawka
Kancelaria Domański Zakrzewski Palinka

Counsel in the Tax Practice. He has experience in tax advisory in M&A transactions, structuring international acquisitions and reorganization of capital groups for investment funds and industry investors. He has developed and implemented a number of restructurings and tax optimizations related to both acquisitions and operational…

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Cezary Przygodzki
Tax advisor, partner heading the Tax Law Team in Dentons’s Warsaw office

He focuses on projects in international tax planning and structuring mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions. He also advises on aspects of tax restructuring and reorganization, including personal wealth restructuring and intergenerational transfer in family businesses….

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Aleksandra Politańska-Kunicka
Attorney, patent attorney, counsel in the Warsaw office of Dentons. She is a member of the Intellectual Property and New Technologies Law Team.

She has been practicing intellectual and industrial property law for 15 years. She specializes in litigation cases involving copyright, trademarks, industrial designs, patents, unfair competition (including advertising) and personal rights….

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Witold Hruzewicz
Managing partner and founder of Azimutus

An expert with nearly three decades of professional experience in areas including investment banking, mergers and acquisitions, venture capital and high-tech start-ups.

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Marceli Kasperkiewicz 
Legal counsel, partner in the Warsaw office of Dentons, is a member of the Corporate, Mergers and Acquisitions Law Team and the Private Equity Team

He has more than fifteen years of transactional experience, particularly in the areas of mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring. He has advised domestic and foreign clients on all types of corporate and asset acquisition transactions, international investment projects….

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Roland Szymański
LARS Board Member

Roland Szymański is a member of the third generation at LARS. He graduated in law and management of family businesses. He was a successor leader at FBN Poland from 2014 to 2016, and from 2017 to 2022 he was a member of the international FBN NxG Leadership Team…

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Dariusz Stasik
Prezes Zarządu i Właściciel WPIP

Graduate of UEP’s Department of Organization and Management and Management studies at the Harvard Ican Institute. Promoter of smart building and well-being ideas…

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Katarzyna Barcińska
Family Business Institute

An effective manager with extensive experience in marketing management, branding, project and team building, and successfully leading organizations through the change process. She believes in integrated marketing focused on delivering value to customers…

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Łukasz Chodkowski
Managing Director – Déhora

An experienced expert in time management and business process optimization. He currently serves as managing director of the Polish branch of the international consulting firm Déhora…

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Grzegorz Wydmański
Business aviation expert

Business aviation expert with over 20 years of experience in building and leading sales teams in the financial and aviation industries, aviation business consultant, entrepreneur…

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Maja Ważniewicz
Director of Sales – Textron Aviation

Director of Turboprop Aircraft Sales for Central Europe at Textron Aviation, the world’s largest manufacturer of general aviation aircraft with brands such as Cessna and Beechcraft….

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Piotr Andrzejczak
Kancelaria Domański Zakrzewski Palinka

Advisor to many Polish entrepreneurs in the creation and development of family businesses (building family governance principles including family constitutions, management and protection of private assets, planning holding structures). Specialist in projects related to succession planning and succession planning…

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Tomasz Szataniak
Member of the Supervisory Board of Pamapol S.A and Executive Manager to the President of the Management Board at Wielton S.A.

Representative of the second generation of the Szataniak Family – majority shareholders in Pamapol S.A. and Wielton S.A. Graduate of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and the Leon Kozminski Academy in Warsaw. From an early age involved in the activities of both companies…

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Maciej Bombol
Director of Primary Market Department, Warsaw Stock Exchange

Representative of the second generation of the Szataniak Family – majority shareholders in Pamapol S.A. and Wielton S.A. Graduate of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and the Leon Kozminski Academy in Warsaw. From an early age involved in the activities of both companies…

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Piotr Szulc

A graduate in PR and Marketing Communications from Buckinghamshire New University in the UK, a journalist for Codziennypoznan.pl and MC Radio, an organizer of international events and emcee…

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Wiesława Machalica
Family Business Institute

Master’s degree in psychology, business and interpersonal skills trainer and supervisor recommended by the Polish Psychological Association, therapist, coach…

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Bogusław Kowalski 
Graal S.A.

Founder and co-owner of the Graal Capital Group, which owns leading brands in the fish market in Poland. For more than 33 years I have been managing the Group’s companies, carrying out during that time the largest consolidation of the industry in our home market…

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Erika Matwij
Inštitút Rodinného Businessu

An expert in strategy and management in family businesses in Slovakia, she is the owner of Human Inside, a family business that implements HR strategies in companies and performs audits…

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Adam Stadnik

From the beginning, heavily involved in discussions regarding the family foundations project.

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Dominik Przybecki
Member of the Management Board of Interiors Group

Board member of Interiors Group which owns two furniture brands Płuciennik and Zwymiarowani…

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Henryk Orfinger
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DR IRENA ERIS S.A.

A graduate of the Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology. Co-owner of the Dr Irena Eris Group. In 1999-2019, he was the Chairman of the Main Council of the Lewiatan Confederation. From 2019, First Vice President of the Lewiatan Confederation…

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Paulina Borowicz Hardeman
Barbara Luijckx

Representative of the second generation of the family company Barbara Luijckx Ltd. whose mission and ongoing passion has been the production of decorations, semi-finished products and chocolate additives since 1991. A graduate of Packaging Design und Marketing at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart…

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Tomasz Wróbel
Grupa Wróbel

Co-owner of Wróbel Group. Graduated from psychology at the University of Wroclaw on a specialization track in developmental and personality psychology. From 2005 to 2009, together with his mentor and vocational teacher Maciej Motas, he ran a company offering arborist services…

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Marcin Nowicki
CHEM-GLAS Managing Director

Now, as a representative of the second generation, he manages a family business that has been building a leading position in the market for the distribution of chemical raw materials and glass packaging for more than 25 years…

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Michał Zawisza
Co-founder of LONG TERM MANAGEMENT Sp. z o.o.

Multi-family office with investment character. Co-founder of Avallon Sp. z o.o. and partner – member of investment committees, in private equity funds AVALLON MBO FUND and AVALLON MBO FUND II. Chairman and member of supervisory boards of many companies, including listed companies…

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Jan Kolański

Jan Kolanski, a Polish entrepreneur, founder, major shareholder and CEO of Colian Holding, which includes such well-known brands of Polish sweets as Goplana, Grzeski, Jeżyki, Familijne, Solidarność, Śliwka Nałęczowska, Jutrzenka, AKUKU!, as well as British Elizabeth Shaw and Lily O’Brien’s…

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Krzusztof Strus

Graduate of the University of Rzeszow, Leon Kozminski Academy of Finance and Kaizen Academy at Warsaw University of Technology. In the family business since 2012. For less than 10 years he was involved with a family company in the textile industry, founded by his father…

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Maria Kaczanowska
Vice President of the Management Board at SKSM Aggregates S.A.

A philologist by education with a degree from the Jagiellonian University, but because of the challenge of working in a family business, she has worked in the mining industry for 12 years, including an eighth year on the board of directors of the Company…

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Dominika Jeżowska
Grupa Piekuś

A graduate of Strategic Management at the Warsaw School of Economics and the Kaizen Academy at the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as the mentoring program of the Business Women Leaders Foundation…

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Marcin Jeżowski
Grupa Piekuś

Graduate of Finance and Accounting at the Warsaw School of Economics and postgraduate studies in Marketing Management at Kozminski University…

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prof. Jacek Lipiec
Family Business Institute, Szkoła Główna Handlowa

Professor at the Institute of Enterprise in the Department of Family Enterprise at the Warsaw School of Economics, head of the Department of Family Enterprise at the Warsaw School of Economics…

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